2021, a year of persistent strength
It has been a journey of persistent strength as we look back at 2021 – we continued to adapt, embraced learnings and marched on to empower women and girls and help them make choices to live a life free of violence, abuse and exploitation. I would say that learnings are mutual – at every Safe […]
It has been a journey of persistent strength as we look back at 2021 – we continued to adapt, embraced learnings and marched on to empower women and girls and help them make choices to live a life free of violence, abuse and exploitation.
I would say that learnings are mutual – at every Safe Village Program, at every counselling session, every phone call we received on our anti-trafficking helpline and domestic violence helplines or through the messages on our digital platforms, we have learnt how determined and resilient women and girls are. They inspire us to do more.
“Never doubt that a small group of passionate, committed people can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
As the saying goes, what we do, we cannot do it alone. It gives me so much joy that you are with us, encouraging us and championing for My Choices Foundation all along.
Thank you very much for all your generous support as we steer forward with hope, courage and a deep determination into 2022 to make India safe for all women and girls.
Join us in celebrating our highlights of 2021!
Elca Grobler
Founder, My Choices Foundation

In partnership with Global Fund to End Modern Slavery and Seefar, we launched Surokhito Gram Karyakrom – Safe Village Program – to end child trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children in West Bengal.

12 Youth Hosts took part in The BoyTalk Project’s vision day, an initiative partnered with Aangan Trust to guide India’s boys through conversations on gender and masculinity.

We organised 10 capacity building sessions for our counsellors focused on how to understand trauma and help people develop emotional regulation skills.

A huge milestone was achieved with our 5,000th Safe Village Program. A proud moment on how far we have come since 2012 and impacted 2.5 million people.

We were brought on board by Rachakonda Police Commissionerate, Telangana to support the emotional well-being of police personnel with counselling sessions.

We won the Xel-Research award for the most trusted NGO for Women Rights and Education.

Our 3rd Asian Anti-Trafficking Forum focused on community stakeholders brought together more than 150 Implementing and Strategic Partners and other experts and served as a platform to network, collaborate and share best practices.

Our Founder and Director, Elca Grobler was awarded the International Achievers Award and recognized as Change Maker, Champion for Justice and fighter for the rights of every woman and girl in India. Watch Elca’s Interview.

We developed online training protocols for survivors of domestic violence on Dial 100, an initiative in partnership with the Telangana State Women Safety Wing.

We marked Domestic Violence Awareness Month with a digital campaign – Recognise, Report and Prevent Domestic Violence.

In partnership with the Women Safety Wing of Telangana State Police, we launched Empowerment Programs for Anti-Human Trafficking Units.

We made inroads into Chhattisgarh and Odisha with our Safe Village Programs and now, My Choices Foundation is active in 10 states of India.